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All the Little Pieces She Left
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Scully's death leaves questions unanswered and Mulder must come to terms with her demise as he tries to understand why.

Andrew I
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
A case where people are found dead, their doors and windows locked, turns nearly fatal for our two favorite agents.

Andrew II
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
Andrew gets his revenge.

And the Band Played "Send in the Clowns"
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Fifteen ways TTFTM could have ended.

Angel Love
The X-Files
Author: Rina
Guardian Angels Rina and Krissy decide that Mulder and Scully need to be together, and it's up to them to help.

Anubis' Destiny
Ronin Warriors
Author: Canyon 315
Anubis had finally been able to repent from his evil ways.

Are You Being Served?
Due South
Author: Biku
"So that's two cheeseburgers, two diet cokes and one large fry," the waitress said at the counter.

As Long as Needed
The X-Files
Author: Tina
Explanation of the ring on Mulder's finger in Travelers.

As Time Goes By
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Rina
Xander comes home after several years on the road, but he's not alone. How will Willow and the others feel about this new comer?

Mortal Kombat
Author: Biku
"NO!" Sonya screamed. "Johnny!"

The X-Files
Author: Jocelyn Brant
Scully has to deal with the aftermath of working with the "Conspiracy", and save Mulder before it's too late.(UNFINISHED)

Poltergeist: The Legacy
Author: Diane A. Doty
PRE PILOT EPISODE after Julia gets Nick to open up a little, she is kidnapped....

Bridge, The
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Christa Rose
Written in the throes of a seasonal depression. It's 20 years in the future, and Angel is back in Sunnydale with the intent of suicide. An old "friend" talks him out of it.

Building Conspiracies
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
A Filk of Building A Mystery by Sarah McLachlan

Campfire Stories: Introduction
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
The narrow mountain path was covered with waist-deep snow over a treacherous layer of ice.

Campfire Stories: Mina
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
"It happened when I was thirteen," Mina began.

Campfire Stories: Lita
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Raye stood and stretched slowly. "It's getting kind of late," she said. "Maybe we'd better try to get some sleep." She walked into the back room of the cabin, then re-emerged a moment later. "Bad news, guys. There's only two beds."

Campfire Stories: Raye
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Lita stood up to put another log on the fire. "So, Raye," she said, "what kind of story are you going to tell?"

Campfire Stories: Amy
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
"I don't know," Amy said. "I've never really done anything--I mean, I've lived in the same place all my life--"

Campfire Stories: Serena
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
"Well, Serena?" Lita prompted. "You're the only one left."

Campfire Stories: Epilogue
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Amy yawned and rubbed her eyes. A faint glow was seeping into the room through the boarded-up windows. "It's morning," she realized.

Cancerman's Bitch
The X-Files
Author: Tina
Diana Fowley's Reasons for being Evil.

Can I Do It Again I
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
Scully's dead and Mulder is assigned a new partner. CAn he go throw it all again? (Note:This was my very first story)

Can I Do It Again II
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
Mulder disapears and his new partner gets help from a surprising source.

Chance Encounter, A
The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Biku
Firouz walked around the marketplace, observing all of the stalls, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

Chicago Suite: A Mystery in Six Parts
Due South
Author: Johinsa
Audrey MacKay tipped the taxi driver and lifted the bulky viola case out of the back seat.

Children at Play
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Christa Rose
Angel saves the lives of two children, and somehow ends up playing Barbies.

Chris Carter's Nightmare
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Chris Carter is going to regret leaving the show after the fifth season . . .

Coming Home
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Rina
A sequel to Walking Away: Cordelia comes back to Sunnydale for the gang's ten year reunion. What changes are waiting for her?

The X-Files
Auhtor: Sarah Kiley
Mulder left Scully years ago, but now he's returned and he wants her to come with him.

Complications Trilogy, The: Complications
The X-Files
Auhtor: Sarah Kiley
Fate catches up with Mulder and Scully, and their mysterious conterparts . . .

Complications Trilogy, The: Second Chances
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Mulder learns true love exists, while Scully toils over her decision to marry Tyler. All characters meet some old friends and make some new ones.

Complications Trilogy, The: Last Dance
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Sometimes you must come full circle to find the truth.

Complications Trilogy, The: Epilogue: 12/31/99
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
It's the last day of the century- could the right timing be everything Mulder and Scully have been missing?

Conquering the Demons
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Scully helps Mulder face the monsters that plague him after "Grotesque".

Cradle Me
The X-Files
Author: Jocelyn Brant
Mulder and Scully decide the best way to keep the emotional demons at bay.

Dancing In A Dream
The X-Files
Author: Jennifer Cuzzo
She got home and turned on the light, remembering parts of the movie she just saw.

Dark Angel
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
A man lays dieing in the street, above him floats an angel of death.

Dark Night
Star Trek Voyager
Author: Biku
Captain Kathryn Janeway smiled. "Sweet dreams," she said with a smile, as she turned away from the alcove.

Sailor Moon
Author: Biku
"Serena! Transform!" cried Luna.

Deja Vu
Sailor Moon
Author: Biku
Serena ran around the corner of the sidewalk, panting. "Omigod, I'm late! I'm late!" she cried, speeding up.

Delta Quadrant Werewolf In Paris, A
Star Trek Voyager
Author: Biku
Lt. Tom Paris sauntered down to the pilot station, oblivious to the fact that he was over fifteen minutes late for duty.

Dog's Life, A
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
An ode to Queequeg.

Easy AXess
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
A post-Jose Chung story. Nothing is what it seems.

End of Her Pirate Days
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Scully lets her fear get the better of her and it destroys her. Tissue Warning- Character Dies.

Enterprise Comes Thundering In, The
Sailor Moon/Star Trek: The Next Generation
Author: Biku
Commander Riker walked through the hallway, cheerfully whistling a tune. He was on the way to Ten-Forward, and looking forward to meeting Counselor Deanna Troi when someone bumped into him, causing him to stagger backwards.

Etosha on the Half Shell
Star Trek The Next Generation
Author: Johinsa
"The outpost is in visual range now, Captain," Data reported.

Star Trek The Next Generation
Author: Johinsa
Picard's communicator beeped, pulling him out of a sound sleep.

Fallen, The
Star Trek (The Original Series)
Author: Johinsa
Lieutenant Sulu was awakened from a sound sleep by the unmistakable sound of a Red Alert klaxon. "Not again," he groaned, sitting upright and pulling on his boots.

Falling Apples
Due South
Author: Biku
Benton Fraser walked out of the cabin into the fresh winter air. He breathed deeply, letting the cold seep into his lungs like a slap to the face. The air of the Yukon was very good at waking you up; especially a February morning like today.

Due South
Author: Bento
All the girl could see of the world around her was the line of dogs stretching out in front of her sled.

Finding Cinder
The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Faranath
"I'm telling you, we're lost!"

Finding Maeve
The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Faranath
The Nomad had just docked in the harbour. Sinbad was overseeing the Unloading of the ship's cargo with Doubar, Firouz and Rongar looking on.

Firouz's Day Out
The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Biku
"So then I said...Excuse me, but are you listening?" Elise put down her fork. Her date looked up from his reflection in the wine glass.

First Do No Harm
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Sailor Mercury stared in horror at the single red rose floating on the surface of the water. Beside her, she heard Sailor Moon gasp as the other girl realized what must have happened.

The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
A Rift story explaining what happened to M&S between Apocrypha and Pusher to promote such a huge change.

For Queen and Country
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Jena stepped off the teleport platform, her younger sister Ani clinging to her hand.

Four Seasons of Loneliness
The X-Files
Author: Fontaine L
Scully contemplates her life without Mulder as four seasons pass. Inspired by the Boyz II Men song.

From The Ashes
Star Trek The Next Generation
Author: Johinsa
The streets of the city of Arelak were crowded, bustling with grey-skinned men and women on their own errands.

Gift, The
Author: Diane A. Doty
Crichton wanders off while on a planet and finds his way into a lot of trouble!

The Guardian Chronicles: A Rocky Beginning
Mortal Kombat
Author: Biku
The small boy picked idly at the dirt, scratching lines and designs into the thin layer of topsoil.

The Guardian Chronicles: World Between Worlds
Mortal Kombat
Author: Biku
Yellow was alone. He picked idly at his dinner, his appetite not up to his normal standards.

Guilty By Love
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Margaret brings her daughter and Fox Mulder on the Ricki Lake Show, with surprising results . . .

The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Mulder realizes he's one half, not one third.

Ice and Fire
Sailor Moon
Author: Johinsa
Raye left the arcade and started down the street, watching for Serena.

If 'Come the Night' Was Done By X-Files Characters (NON FICTION)
The X-Files
Auhtor: Sarah Kiley
Me and my best friend Amaris's list of who would play who if our favorite romance novel, Come the Night by Christina Skye was done by X-Files characters. Humorous.

If Fate Allows
Illusion of Gaia
Author: Joe Laquinte
Life had always been a struggle for Will.

I Hate Fanfic (1/1) NC-17
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
After three years of neglect, Mulder takes matters into his own hands.

In My Life
The X-Files
Author: Rina
When Mulder is killed in a plane crash, Scully must pull her life together and live without him. (series)

The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Johinsa
The Nomad floated on a calm, placid ocean. Her sails hung listlessly; no breath of wind stirred them. All was silence.

Star Trek Voyager
Author: Biku
The air smelled wonderful to Chakotay.

The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Johinsa
Doubar emerged slowly from the hold. "Doubar!" Sinbad called, seeing him. "All right, give me the bad news. How's the ship?"

I Wanna Speak With The Writer
The X-Files
Author: Diane A. Doty
CC's computer is talking to him, or he's spending too much time working. (Note: My only hummor story.)

Johnny's Day Out
Mortal Kombat
Author: Biku
Johnny Cage stepped out into the curb, regretting not having an umbrella.

Jubilee 1: I Can Tell By The Way You're Walking
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Jubilee 2: The Past Isn't Letting You Go
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Jubilee 3: Their Doubts and Their Fears
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Jubilee 4: Interlude
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Jubilee 5: Frail Boats on the Sea
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Jubilee 6: Home is Right Here
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Christa Rose
A twisted romance between two characters with more in common than they're comfortable admitting.

Just Another Day
Star Trek (The Original Series)
Author: Biku
Kirk sat at on the bridge, sipping his coffee, and admiring the view of the stars in front of him, as well as the view of Yeoman Rand, who was also in front of him.


Last Hope
Star Trek Voyager
Author: Biku
Ja'an A'lh'a'zar decided to drown her sorrows in a glass of Talaxian ale.

The X-Files
Author: Rina
Scully is being reassigned to a different state. How can Mulder say goodbye?

Life's little 'once-in-a-lifetime-chances'
The X-Files
Author: Jocelyn Brant
Scully periodically gives Mulder 'once-in-a-lifetime-chances'

The X-Files
Author: Fontaine L
Characters from the show reveal their inner thoughts through a series of short vignettes, told in the first person. No real plot.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Bento
" So, where should we sit today?" asked Buffy, turning to her friends. Xander, Willow, Cordelia and Oz all looked out at the crowded school cafeteria in front of them and shrugged almost in unison.

Lost Ending of Band Candy, The
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Christa Rose
Remember that cursed candy that made the adults act like children? ANGEL gets a bite in this story! I don't think this is my best work, but it was fun to write, and I've gotten the most feedback about it! :)

Lost Kingdoms, The  (Sequel to Finding Cinder)
The Adventures Of Sinbad
Author: Faranath
After several weeks of following Cinder’s instructions, with a few corrections by Dermott, the lookout on watch spotted land.

Love in Sunnydale: Werewolf and Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Rina
Nothing is safe when Guardian Angels Rina and Krissy come to town. Can Buffy and Oz really be perfect for each other? (AH #3)

Love is Blind
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: FlowiDi
"I. . .can't. . . no, no, no," came Xander Harris's feverish moans from deep within his chest. "I can't. . . don't make me. . . let me die"

Love Is In The Air
The X-Files
Author: Fontaine L
Some weird things are a-happening in Vancouver during the annual Luvfest gathering of the XF-Romantics.

Memoirs of a Slayer's Mother
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Christa Rose
Joyce's thoughts on Buffy's slaying duties. Takes place circa season 2.

Missing Word Series, The: ****, the Missing Word 1
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
WW 3 breaks out, pushing M&S farther away. . . or closer together?

Missing Word Series, The: L***, the Missing Word 2
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Mulder has a spooky encounteras he tries to figure out what now stands between him and Dana.

Missing Word Series, The: LO**, the Missing Word 3
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Mulder and Scully rendouzvous in Italy.

Missing Word Series, The: LOV*, the Missing Word 4
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Scully learns her friend is pregnant while Mulder infiltrates a Japanese camp on Miyake-Jima. Skinner has a showdown with Cancerman.

Missing Word Series, The: LOVE, the Missing Word 5
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Mulder is taken prisoner, and only Scully through use of their mysterious new link, can save him.

Missing Word Series, The: The Found Word: 07/04/00
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
The War is over, but for Mulder and Scully, life is just beginning . . .

MiSTing of Demons (NON FICTION...kinda)
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
What if Mike, Tom & Crow were forced to watch 'Demons'? XF/MST3K crossover.
Moral Konflict
Mortal Kombat
Author: Biku
Rayden looked around the Omniversal Temple, breathing in a deep sigh of contentment.

Moriturite Salutant
Mortal Kombat
Author: Johinsa
Ailé climbed the stairs slowly, her legs aching, the burden she carried on her back growing heavier with each step.

Mother's Right, A
The X-Files
Author: Sarah Kiley
Margaret Scully will do anything for love.

Mystery and Madness
The X-Files
Author: Rina
Mulder and Scully are sent to Capeside, MA to investigate a murder, and meet up with Scully's friend Rita Lorenzo. (part one)

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This Page was created on August 9, 2000
Last update: August 9, 2000